Electronic Cigarette Review – Why So Many People Are Making The Switch To Electronic Cigarettes

24032014-03Electronic cigarettes are becoming an increasingly common sight on city streets across Europe. In the UK it is estimated that there are more than one million users of electronic cigarettes. Bloomberg estimates that by 2047 there will be more electronic cigarette users than traditional cigarette users in Europe.

While many people have already made the switch to electronic cigarettes, there are still many more smokers who are yet to try these new devices. In this electronic cigarette review we will look at electronic cigarettes in detail so that you can decide if they are the right choice for you. Below you will find out exactly how electronic cigarettes work and what some of the major benefits of them are. Finally at the end of this electronic cigarette review you can find our overall recommendation.

How Do Electronic Cigarettes Work?

Electronic cigarettes resemble regular store bought cigarettes but inside the tube they operate very differently. There are two main types of electronic cigarette batteries; automatic and manual. Both types of battery contain a microprocessor. With an automatic battery when the user inhales on the electronic cigarette the microprocessor signals the heating element inside of the device. This heating element heats up liquid nicotine contained inside what is known as the cartridge or cartomizer. As the liquid nicotine is heated it is converted into a gas. The user can then inhale a flavored cloud of liquid nicotine.

Some electronic cigarettes operate using an manual battery. In this case there is a button on the side of the device. When the user presses the button the microprocessor signals for the heating element to start. The advantage of a manual battery is the ability to control the voltage and consequently the amount of vapor that is produced.

Originally electronic cigarettes used a three part design. This included a battery, a cartridge and an atomizer. However, in recent years the two part design has become more popular. With this design the cartridge and the atomizer are integrated into what is called a cartomizer. The advantage of the two part design is that the device is easier to clean and to maintain.

What Are The Benefits Of Electronic Cigarettes?

As the number of people switching to electronic cigarettes indicates, there are many people who are coming to realize the benefits of using the devices. Below you can find out some of the major advantages of using electronic cigarettes.

Use Your Device Anywhere

Electronic cigarettes do not result in smoke and ash in the same way as traditional cigarettes do. For this reason they are not covered by non-smoking regulations in most parts of Europe. This means you can enjoy electronic cigarettes in locations that would normally be off limits to traditional cigarette smokers. This includes locations such as night clubs, bars, restaurants, airport lounges, cruise ships and cafés. Being able to socialize with friends, while still enjoying a nicotine hit, can be a very liberating feeling for smokers. Many smokers also enjoy the fact that they can use their electronic cigarette devices inside during the cold Winter months.

No Second Hand Smoke

For smokers second hand smoke is usually one of their biggest concerns. It is a terrible thought for most of them that they be exposing their family and friends to potentially toxic fumes because of their habit. One of the advantages of electronic cigarettes is that the mist produced by the electronic device is completely water based. This means that your loved ones are not exposed to any potentially toxic chemicals or tobacco.

More Discrete

As a smoker you may always want to draw attention to yourself. With electronic cigarettes it is possible to use your device in a more discrete manner. Many electronic cigarette devices are small enough that they can be comfortably held in the palm of your hand. Because they don’t produce any cigarette smoke they don’t draw any attention to themselves. This allows you to enjoy a refreshing nicotine draw, without receiving nasty stares from those around you.

Eliminate The Risk Of Fire

Unfortunately traditional cigarettes are not only dangerous for your health, they are also a major cause of fires. In this regard electronic cigarettes are much safer. The devices do not cause a combustion reaction and so they can’t start a fire. When you use an electronic cigarette that a smouldering cigarette but might lead to a dangerous fire.

Save Money

Cigarettes are expensive and each year it seems they can become more unaffordable. According to the Tobacco Manufacturers association the average price of a pack of cigarettes is £7.98. Just over 10 years ago the price of cigarettes was almost half that amount at £4.20. You can be certain that in the future cigarettes will be even more expensive. If you want to avoid the cost of ever rising electronic cigarette prices then the best way is to make the switch to electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes typically cost around a third of the price of regular cigarettes. Over the course of a year this can easily save you up to a thousand pounds if you are a frequent cigarette smoker. During a smokers lifetime they may save tens of thousands of pounds by becoming an electronic cigarette user.

No Lingering Odor

One of the worst parts of smoking is the smell. Cigarette smoke lingers on the clothes, furniture, hair, skin and breath of the smoker long after they have finished smoking. While smokers often become habituated to this smell, for non-smoker the odor can be repellent. This can cause serious issues for the social lives of regular cigarette smokers. As mentioned earlier in this electronic cigarette review, the devices do not produce any smoke, only a water based mist. This means that there is zero lingering smell or odor after you have finished using the devices.

No Tobacco Or Other Dangerous Chemicals

The health dangers of tobacco and the other chemicals in cigarettes is a major concern for most smokers. A wide range of health problems have been linked to traditional tobacco cigarettes including lung disease, heart disease, respiratory problems, and even cancer. While studies still need to be conducted on the long term effects of electronic cigarettes there are already some clear differences between the devices and traditional tobacco cigarettes. Firstly electronic cigarettes contain no tobacco. Instead they use a tobacco flavored synthetic liquid nicotine. The taste and sensation is the same, but the liquid nicotine doesn’t contain any actual tobacco. Secondly electronic cigarette cartridges do not contain the more than two thousand toxic chemicals that are found in traditional Tabasco cigarettes.

Electronic Cigarette Review Summary

If you are looking for an alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes, then you should take a close look at the benefits of electronic cigarettes. Studies indicate that in the future electronic cigarettes will be the preferred choice for most smokers. With a wide range of health and lifestyle benefits it is not difficult to see why so many are deciding to make the switch. If you still want to enjoy the taste and sensation of a nicotine hit, but without some of the nasty side effects that traditional cigarettes bring, then electronic cigarettes might be the right choice for you.