E Cigarette Deals – Where And How To Find The Best Deal Online?

24032014-22Do you want to find the best e cigarette deals that are available online? Most people tend to get confused with the many choices that are available online. When you are able to find the best electronic cigarette available online, you may be able to give up conventional smoking easily.

Smoking is injurious to your health and this is a fact that is hard to ignore or overlook. Although most people try to give up this habit, it is hard to do so due to the nicotine content in it that is addictive. E cigs have become a popular choice for individuals who want to give up the habit of smoking but are unable to do so.

Reasons for Popularity of E Cigarette Deals

  • Authentic Experience and Lack Of Chemicals – It captures the sensation of a good smoke perfectly. It tastes just like the real thing and you will love the authentic experience it provides. There are thousands of harmful chemicals found in conventional cigarettes, but you will not find any harmful chemical in the popular brands of e cigs. There are no carcinogens and carbon monoxide in these e cigs and this makes it extremely safe to use. The nicotine that is found in e cigs liquid is moderate and you may be able to choose from the different levels available.
  • Ban On Smoking – Conventional smoking has been banned in public places across the world due to the harmful effects of passive smoking. You would be able to smoke e cigs even in public places as there is no harmful smoke in it. There is no tar, ash or smell when you smoke these e cigarettes. You need not to worry about yellow teeth and bad breath. The e cigs are made with strict quality control standards and this enables you get a sensational experience until the last puff.
  • Save Money – You would be able to save a lot of money when you switch to e cigarette deals as they are nearly 50% – 70% cheaper than conventional cigarettes. Although the initial cost of getting a starter kit and liquid may be high, you may be able to save a lot within a short span of time. The e cig kits need minimum maintenance and you may be able to use them for many years. All that you need to do is to make a one time investment. You do not have to spend money again and again to buy the device and this can help save a lot of money.
  • Warranty – There is a lifetime replacement warranty available on most brands that are available online. The manufactures of various brands of each cigs are so confident about them that they are offering a 30 day money back guarantee if customers do not like the experience of smoking these e cigs.

Continue reading “E Cigarette Deals – Where And How To Find The Best Deal Online?”

Free Electronic Cigarettes: Are They Worth It?

24032014-21Electronic cigarettes are a smoke-free and convenient alternative to smoking tobacco. When compared “puff for puff” with conventional cigarettes, they are also impressively inexpensive, sometimes costing as little as a fifth of what you’d pay for a comparable number of traditional cigarettes. To get started, however, you do need to make an initial outlay that is significantly more than you’d pay for a packet of ordinary cigarettes. With some starter kits costing as much as £60 or £70, low-cost deals, coupon codes and especially free trial offers are very tempting. But where can you find free electronic cigarettes, and are they worth your time? More importantly, how free is “free”?

Trials offering a free electronic cigarette are not hard to find. Eschew sites with names like “GreatFreeE-CigaretteOffers”, since these tend to be web-spam. A quick glance will show you that such a site doesn’t generally have current information on actual offers. Any links will usually take you to internal pages or advertising sites. Continue reading “Free Electronic Cigarettes: Are They Worth It?”

E-cigs encourage and facilitate a seamless transition to a life without tobacco

24032014-20Primarily seen as a physical vice and a precursor to life-threatening conditions, smoking is consistently being regulated by governments and disdained in contemporary society. Such is the extent of society’s disapproval of this offense, that it was banned on aeroplanes world-wide and on train platforms, in bus stops, working environments and generally in all public indoor areas in the UK and elsewhere.

The smoke free law came into force on 1 July 2007 and has since caused the price of cigarettes to surge as it reaches the highest rate of increase ever recorded by the Tobacco Manufacturer’s Association. More specifically, it rose by 50 per cent between 2007 and 2013, while the previous seven year interval showed a percentage of 26. The stated reasons behind these political manoeuvres are solemn oaths that governments are trying to motivate people to eschew smoking altogether for the good of all humanity. Regardless of their true reasons, they have the backing of the NHS, which recommends quitting urgently and occupying one’s time with exercise, sports and other endorphin-releasing pastimes, so as to make the transition to a nicotine-free life smoother during cessation and afterwards.

Once referred to as ‘the sacred herb’ due to its medicinal properties, tobacco was known for alleviating hundreds of medical conditions a few centuries ago, and it also facilitated scientific advancements in virology. Nowadays, along with a myriad of harmful substances in cigarette blends, like arsenic, cadmium, radioactive metals, benzene, formaldehyde and pesticides, it is at the forefront of possible causes for major conditions, such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

In the face of such opposition, some smokers search for alternatives, and many of them consider the option delivered by that most ingenious urge quencher, the electronic cigarette. Its proponents and adversaries are many and their reasons plentiful, but let us discuss the positive aspects of the personal vaporizer, electronic nicotine delivery system or simply e-cig in a bit of detail.

Firstly, one of the key indicators that strangers are smokers, or have smokers in their entourage, is the smell of their clothes, hair and belongings. To former smokers, that distinctive odour is as unquestionably unmistakeable as a drop of blood to a bloodhound. Non-smokers, on the other hand, react differently to the smell of impregnated tobacco, some even associating the odour with the scent of loved ones. E-cigarettes will set the odour debate to rest, though, as they are either free of distinctive tobacco odours, or even have sweet fragrances, to boot.

Secondly, electronic cigarettes are much more affordable than conventional cigarettes. There are several electronic cigarette hubs out there offering brilliant e cigarette deals, which makes the price of refill liquids quite low. By comparison, a pack of 20 conventional cigarettes costs £7.98, on average, according to the Tobacco Manufacturers’Association. In the long-run, even the relatively hefty price of the atomizers and batteries that go into e-cig kits are balanced and absorbed seamlessly, and the over-all range of e cigarette deals will continue to increase over time, as technology and competition intensifies. Also, the advantage of using refills is that you reduce waste by only using as much liquid as you find appropriate, and there is the added convenience of not having to share your cigarettes with anyone.

Continue reading “E-cigs encourage and facilitate a seamless transition to a life without tobacco”

The Benefits of Buying Cheap E-Cigarettes.

24032014-19Cheap e- cigarettes are now flooding the market. The benefit of these units over old style aids, in the fight to finally give up the habit; are becoming more recognised by non-smokers and smokers alike.

I’m sure, over the last few years, you’ve tried many times to give up the weed. Various patches, gum. Lozenges, even cold turkey, all to no avail. Slowly but surely, first the odd cigarette, then two or three; until, within a short space of time, your back on a pack or two a day. I know, been there, done that.

Now everyone uses e-cigarettes. The e or electronic cigarette, is a metal tube fitted with an integral heating element, rechargeable battery and a reservoir for a fluid containing nicotine, nicotine cartridges, or a fruit type flavour. The user draws on the cigarette, as one would a normal cigarette.

This draws the fluid into the heater, converting it to a nicotine vapour sucked up by the user. When exhaled a smoke (vapour) is released giving the impression of cigarette usage. The beauty of this aid is while the user still gets the craved-for nicotine hit, the vapour is totally harmless; unlike cigarette smoke which contains all the carcinogenic and tar that damages the body’s organs.

With the explosion of smokers worldwide using e-cigarettes as an aid to kicking the habit, they have become a big money spinner for the many large companies involved in the production and sale of these items. The large tobacco producers themselves have seen the income potential of these vapour cigarettes and are actively buying companies producing the cheap e-cigarette alternative to real tobacco.

The standard and quality of production of these electronic units is assumed by both consumers and producers alike to be extremely high. As a self regulatory body standards have to be maintained. Many governing bodies and governments are now looking into the possibilities of regulating the sale and use of these units.

To allow overall quality to drop at this stage of the game would be counter-productive to the manufacturers and distributors of these cheap alternatives to tobacco smoking. Many high quality reviews and blogs have also been instrumental in helping smokers and non-smokers alike to find information on the quality and effectiveness of the various e-cigarette brands.

Continue reading “The Benefits of Buying Cheap E-Cigarettes.”

e Cigarettes: A Barman’s View

24032014-18In March 2006, Scotland became the first part of the UK to introduce a ban on smoking in enclosed spaces and last week I had the chance to talk to someone who was on the frontline when that first change was introduced.
He is a barman who was on duty by himself the first night of the smoking ban and remembers that evening clearly.
“It was a bit of a working man’s bar on the edge of town and all the staff had been a bit nervous about what we’d do if a customer lit up and refused to go outside to smoke,” he told me.
“So, nervously, I took over for the night shift at 6pm and waited for the first smoker to step out of line. Continue reading “e Cigarettes: A Barman’s View”

The E-Cigarette Nicotine and All That Must Be Known About It

24032014-17E cigarette nicotine was a discovery in itself when it was introduced in the year 2003. A lot of nicotine-addicted people struggling to quit found themselves overwhelmed by the influx of such a product into the market. The best thing about the e-cigarette is that it looks similar in appearance to normal cigs. These e-cigarettes are, however, separated by a thin line of difference that can have a significant amount of change in a smoker’s life: e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco. E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that are filled with nicotine dissolved in a solution of propylene glycol and water.

How does an e cigarette nicotine work?

E cigarette nicotine, as mentioned earlier, is similar in appearance to normal cigarettes. So, how do they really work? They work by a mechanism that heats liquid nicotine up, turning it into vapour that the smokers then inhale and exhale. The smokers develop a sensation of smoke in the mouth while puffing on the end of the tube without really smoking. Smoking through e cigarette nicotine is popularly termed as “vaping.” Continue reading “The E-Cigarette Nicotine and All That Must Be Known About It”

4 Tips For Choosing The Right E Cigarette Shop

24032014-16Sales of e-Cigarettes have boomed over the last couple of years, According to Analysts at Wells Fargo Securities the number of e-Cigarette sales are expected to reach $1.7 billion this year. As sales have increased, so too has the number of e Cigarette shops. With an increasingly crowded marketplace it can be difficult to know which e Cigarette shop you should use. Here you can find 4 tips to help you choose the right e Cigarette shop for your needs.

Tip # 1 – Guarantees And Warranties

One of the first things that you should look at are the guarantees and warranties that the e Cigarette shop offers. Many people confuse these two terms but they are actually quite separate concepts. A guarantee typically covers a certain period where you are able to return your electronic cigarette or starter kit for any reason. The device does not need to be malfunctioning or defective in order for you to take up the guarantee. Guarantees are generally for a short period of time, with a standard guarantee being for thirty days. Warranties cover faults and technical issues with your electronic cigarette or accessories. A warranty is typically longer than a guarantee and may last anywhere from six months up to a life time warranty. Continue reading “4 Tips For Choosing The Right E Cigarette Shop”

A Guide To Choosing The Right Electric Cigarette

24032014-15Everyone in the media seems to be talking about electric cigarettes. If you are smoker then you probably have friends who have tried these new devices. Maybe you have even experimented with disposable electronic cigarettes yourself.

The popularity of electric cigarettes has mean that many new brands have entered the market. This can make it difficult to decide which electric cigarette is the right choice for you. Below you can find which criteria to use to select the right electric cigarette to meet your needs.

Disposables Versus Rechargeable Electric Cigarettes

Electric cigarettes are available both as disposables and rechargeable. With a disposable electric cigarette it is typically ready to use as soon as you remove the packaging. The advantage of a disposable is that you don’t need to recharge it after you finish with it and you can throw it away afterwards. The initial cost for a disposable electric cigarette tends to be lower and you won’t require a recharger or carry case. Continue reading “A Guide To Choosing The Right Electric Cigarette”

E smoke – Electronic Cigarettes Make Tobacco Free Smoking A Delight

24032014-14Electronic smoking is a real alternative to the traditional cigarette. Many people are bothered by the smell and smoke that is produced when traditional tobacco is consumed. When you use an electronic cigarette, all harmful side effects are removed, such as the acrid smoke, and passive smoking of others. The electronic cigarette, also referred to as the e-cigarette, smokeless cigarette or electric cigarette, is an electrical or electronic device for inhaling vapourised liquid that forms a mist instead of cigarette smoke. This mist is similar in consistency and sensory effect to tobacco smoke, but the basic difference from a traditional cigarette however, is that no combustion takes place by tobacco or other plants.

A global trend is emerging for electronic cigarettes. They are becoming an increasingly popular substitute to tobacco cigarettes, and a growing number of smokers are willing to try them at least once. Apart from providing a new way of smoking, the e smoke generated from electronic cigarettes does not contribute to the problem of passive smoking. E-cigarettes provide not only a new way of smoking, but they also offer a taste alternative, namely, either smoke or menthol aromas. In this case, a liquid is vapourised from propylene glycol and a variety of flavours. Continue reading “E smoke – Electronic Cigarettes Make Tobacco Free Smoking A Delight”

Ecig: The 21st Century Solution to Smoking

24032014-13Many of us are completely aware of the numerous dangers associated with smoking cigarettes. While only a few decades ago this habit was considered rather demure and even trendy, medical science has drawn quite a different conclusion. Smoking can cause a number of debilitating and even fatal health consequences such as:

  • Emphysema
  • Lung Cancer
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Poor Circulation
  • Birth Defects

So, the public is now more aware than ever before that smoking is a lifestyle that needs to be curtailed and in many cases, eliminated. However, this task proves quite difficult for the majority of smokers; some of whom may have become addicted to this habit for decades. In other words “cold turkey” may simply not be an option. Thankfully, these modern times have produced some equally modern and innovative results. Commonly known as an “ecig”, an electronic cigarette is one of the easiest, most fashionable and enjoyable ways to finally extinguish the traditional cigarette. Still, many are unaware of just how these devices work and the numerous benefits that they can offer. It is therefore a good idea to quickly examine these 21st century marvels to appreciate just what exactly has made the “ecig” so very popular. Continue reading “Ecig: The 21st Century Solution to Smoking”