How To Give Up Smoking Using An Electronic Cigaret With Nicotine

24032014-05New Years Eve is a great time to decide to give up cigarettes for good. However, keeping to that resolution can be much more challenging. In order to stick to your commitment it is a good idea to get support. An increasing number of people are finding that support using an Electronic cigaret with nicotine. Below you can find out some of the advantage of using electronic cigarettes as a substitute for traditional tobacco cigarettes. You will discover why they can replace the sensation and physical cravings produced by traditional cigarettes.

Why People Struggle To Give Up Smoking

According to the American Cancer Association only between 4 – 7% of people are able to give up smoking without any form of help. The fact is that if you simply try to give up “cold turkey” you have more than a 90% chance of failing. However, that doesn’t mean there is no hope for smokers who are trying to give up traditional tobacco cigarettes this New Years Eve.

Among people who use some form of nicotine replacement, the number of people who quit smoking rises to 25%. In the past that typically meant nicotine patches, gums, or nasal sprays. These days a large number of people are choosing to use electronic cigaret with nicotine instead. When people receive some sort of behavioral therapy assistance the chances of quitting cigarettes increases even higher. If you really want to quit cigarettes this new years eve make sure that you have support available, whether that is professional help or friends and family.

The Increasing Popularity Of Electronic Cigarettes For Nicotine Replacement

Electronic cigaret with nicotine has become an increasingly popular way to give up smoking regular cigarettes. These electronic cigarettes use synthetic liquid nicotine contained in a cartridge. When the user inhales on the electronic cigarette device the liquid nicotine is heated and converted into an inhalable gas.

The liquid nicotine used in electronic cigarette contains no tobacco or any of the more than two thousand chemicals used in traditional cigarettes. Instead the primary ingredients in the liquid are either vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol. Both of these ingredients are found in many food products or household items such as toothpaste. The other ingredients found in liquid nicotine include water and concentrated flavoring. The flavoring is used to give the e-Liquid a specific taste such as tobacco or menthol. However this flavoring does not actually contain any genuine tobacco or menthol and is similar to the flavoring used in many processed foods. Studies are still being performed on the long term safety of electronic cigarettes, but it can be said that they do not contain the same ingredients found in traditional store bought cigarettes.

Because electronic cigarettes contain nicotine the user is still able to enjoy the same nicotine hit that they would get with a traditional cigarette. But the user is not exposing themselves to the potentially harmful toxins or tobacco contained within regular cigarettes.

Decreasing Nicotine Intake With Electronic Cigarettes

Another advantage of electronic cigarettes is the ability to decrease the amount of nicotine that is consumed over time. Smokers who try and quit nicotine overnight invariably suffer from significant withdrawal problems. In many cases this makes them return to cigarettes in order to achieve their nicotine hit. But by switching to electronic cigarettes the user can slowly decrease their nicotine consumption over time.

Electronic cigarette liquid nicotine cartridge come in varying strengths. This can be anywhere from a very strong 5% nicotine cartridge right down to zero percent nicotine. If a smoker is trying to give up nicotine they can start with a high nicotine content cartridge. Over time they can decrease the amount of nicotine that they are consuming. At the same time they can enjoy the same sensation and tobacco taste that they are used to.

Replacing The Behavioral Patterns Of Regular Cigarette’s

Another reason that smokers struggle to give up cigarettes is because of behavioral patterns of smoking. Nicotine causes chemicals to be released in the brain which makes the person feel relaxed. Over time the smoker learns to associate using a cigarette with relieving their stress. This creates a behavioral pattern which can make it difficult for the smoker to give up cigarettes.

One of the advantages of electronic cigarettes is that smoker can continue with the same behavior but without resorting to traditional tobacco cigarettes. The warm vapor produced by the electronic cigarette is very similar to the sensation of smoking a cigarette. Also the liquid nicotine can be flavored to replicate the taste of tobacco or menthol Overall the electronic cigarette user can have the same experience without consuming tobacco.

No Second Hand Smoke With Electronic Cigarette

Unlike traditional tobacco cigarettes, electronic cigarettes do not produce any second hand smoke. This has a number of benefits for the user. Firstly by using an electronic cigaret with nicotine as a substitute for cigarettes, you are not exposing friends and family to the dangers of second hand smoke. The toxins in second hand smoke can cause serious health issues for those around you.

Electronic cigarette users are also not restricted by non-smoking legalization. This means that they can enjoy using their devices in places which would normally be off limits to smokers. This includes popular locations such as bars, restaurants, nightclubs and cafés. At the same time electronic cigarette users can enjoy the same sensation and taste as smoking and slight euphoria that nicotine delivers.

Lastly because electronic cigarettes do not produce smoke there is no lingering odor after they have been used. The electronic cigarette user does not have to worry about their breath, hair and clothes smelling of stale smoke. This can be very beneficial to people who are dating or in relationships with non-smokers who find the odor unappealing.


If you are planning to give up cigarettes this New Years Eve, then it is a good idea to get some support. Unfortunately the success rate with trying to quit “cold turkey” is very low. But your chance of quitting can be significantly enhanced when a nicotine replacement like electronic cigarettes are used. If you want to give yourself the best possible chance of quitting smoking in the New Year, then you should take a close look at the benefits of using an electronic cigaret with nicotine.