An Electronic Cigarette Shop May Open In Your Area – Let the Vaping Begin.

24032014-12Across the country in the US, Britain and Europe a new electronic cigarette shop seems to be bobbing up on every corner. These small retailers are catering to a rapidly growing market for e cigarettes and are usually known a “vape shops”.
There are predictions that the e cigarette market will overtake the sales of regular cigarettes within a few years and currently the US market alone is worth 1 billion. These estimates do not take into account the uncertainty about the effects of potential government regulation of the industry.

So, what are the reasons for the growth of this new industry and why are e-cigarettes so popular?

What is an Electronic Cigarette?
It is a rather clever alternative to the traditional cigarette and sometimes referred to as a personal vaporizer. They come in a variety of designs; to be found in any electronic cigarette shop, some appearing very like a traditional cigarette and others are more exotic looking cigar-like models. They operate by converting flavored liquids into water vapor and when a smoker inhales it imitates the experience of smoking a cigarette.

E-cigarettes have rechargeable batteries, a small tank for holding the liquid and an atomizer. The e-liquids are available in a wide range of nicotine strengths and some come entirely without nicotine. Other liquid ingredients in the cigarettes have all been licensed for human consumption and are not toxic or carcinogenic as the smoke from traditional cigarettes is known to be.

E – Cigarette Advantages
There has not yet been sufficient research which proves that the e-cigarettes are healthier than the traditional ones but it seems that inhaling cool mists rather than the harmful and burning smoke is certainly a much preferred option. It is well known that smoking tobacco is dangerous and a fact that many will die prematurely from the effects. With an e-cigarette there is no accompanying unpleasant smell, no ash, no smoke smell on clothing and no second-hand smoke effects to harm other people.

Why Use an E-Cigarette?
The reasons why people use electronic cigarettes are many. For some it replaces the smoking experience as closely as possible without the accompanying combustion. Others are trying to reduce nicotine intake, by gradually reducing the amount of nicotine in the e-liquid and eventually using the nicotine free cartridges. This weans the body from the nicotine cravings but still provides a satisfying experience.

Choosing the right e-liquid from an electronic cigarette shop that will provide the desired experience may take some time as there are a huge variety of options available. The range includes imitations of top brand cigarettes as well as the flavors of fruits, drinks spices and foods to suit all kinds of tastes. All e-liquids contain Propylene Glycol the same as asthma inhalers, and food colors and flavors.

Starter Kits
The electronic cigarette shop whether around the corner or online can supply all the requirements for starting out and the range of products is extensive.
E-cigarette starter kits come with everything needed to start using the cigarettes. The basic kits usually contain a battery, either automatic of manual, a selection of different flavor cartridges and a charger. Accompanied by a user manual, they have everything necessary to start out vaping. More deluxe offerings have added extras and the range and price varies accordingly.

The wide range of styles to choose from makes it rather confusing for a first time buyer to select the right option. Heavier smokers usually prefer a rechargeable rather than the disposable type of kit as it provides more versatility and cost savings. Rechargeable types are more powerful and usually provide more nicotine to a puff. The aim is to find the best cigarette to replace tobacco cigarettes.

The many factors that contribute to the ideal e-cigarette include the style, flavor, battery life, nicotine quantity and every individual will have different preferences. Many smokers tend to take longer drags when first using an e-cigarette seeking the burning sensation in the lungs and the vapor is less dense with an e-cigarette. The larger the battery size the longer it will last before needing a recharge.

Taking a browse around an electronic cigarette shop will present all the options. It may be better to pick a small inexpensive kit to get a good idea of the flavors and vapors with each device, but keep in mind that the quality may not be as good as the higher-end products.

Disposable E Cigarettes
These are the most common type and a readily available form of e-cigarette. A very convenient way of vaping, particularly for non-heavy smokers, without all the e-liquid, batteries and mess thrown away and when finished. The majority of e-cigarette smokers who use more advanced e-cigarettes are introduced to vapor experience through using a disposable device. They offer a great way of “testing the waters’ and starting out on a tobacco free journey.

E-Liquid Refilling
A great money saving idea is to refill the e-liquid cartridges, which is a simple process once the technique is mastered. There are many videos and easy instructions online which will help out when trying the technique and well worthwhile for making considerable savings.

The Bottom Line
The many options on offer for making a switch from harmful tobacco smoking to a more environmentally friendly and improved option, make it an easy decision to try out some of the devices readily available from an electronic cigarette shop. Experimenting and mixing flavors and styles will be the best guide to finding a much better alternative.