The E-Cigarette Nicotine and All That Must Be Known About It

24032014-17E cigarette nicotine was a discovery in itself when it was introduced in the year 2003. A lot of nicotine-addicted people struggling to quit found themselves overwhelmed by the influx of such a product into the market. The best thing about the e-cigarette is that it looks similar in appearance to normal cigs. These e-cigarettes are, however, separated by a thin line of difference that can have a significant amount of change in a smoker’s life: e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco. E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that are filled with nicotine dissolved in a solution of propylene glycol and water.

How does an e cigarette nicotine work?

E cigarette nicotine, as mentioned earlier, is similar in appearance to normal cigarettes. So, how do they really work? They work by a mechanism that heats liquid nicotine up, turning it into vapour that the smokers then inhale and exhale. The smokers develop a sensation of smoke in the mouth while puffing on the end of the tube without really smoking. Smoking through e cigarette nicotine is popularly termed as “vaping.”

Does not need a lighter or match

There are times when a person does not have access to a match or lighter to light the cigarette, putting him/her at wits end. With an electric e-cig, there is no need to have either. Instead, these hold a certain battery along with a vapourisation chamber, as well as a cartridge that is filled with liquid nicotine. When puffed on the device like on a normal cigarette, it heats the liquid nicotine up, changing the latter into vapour. The vapour is then inhaled to deliver nicotine to the lung and then exhaled. It appears like a regular cigarette is being smoked to save the smell of burning tobacco.

Option to Choose the Size of the Nicotine Cartridge

An electronic cigarette contains just as much nicotine, or more than a normal cigarette. The amount of nicotine in an e-cigarette depends on the size of the nicotine cartridge that is chosen by the smoker. Some cartridges are comparable to the amount of nicotine in a regular tobacco cigarette, and others are closer in quantity to a light or ultra light cigarette. Moreover, there are cartridges without nicotine in the liquid for those who want only the sensory feeling of smoking.

Can be Easily Purchased

Electronic cigarettes are easy to find because they are being manufactured internationally. Dansmoke is a leading brand of e-cigarettes that sells both rechargeable and disposable e-cigarettes. All the accessories that come along with an e-cigarette like battery, cartridges and others can also be found on several websites to be sold individually.


There could not be a greener way of smoking safely. Once the liquid nicotine in the cartridge is over, it can be refilled by either a new cartridge, or by filling it with the liquid. There is no scope of polluting the environment with ash and unnecessary paper, or plastic cigarette wraps.

Multiple Flavours

Even though e-cigarettes are not meant for kids, they come in a lot of enticing flavours like chocolate, strawberry, caramel, and bubble gum. It is this characteristic of an e-cigarette that has attracted a lot of attention from the youngsters across the world. The popularity of flavoured e-cigarettes is here to stay.


Quite naturally, e-cigarettes are more expensive than regular cigarettes. But, just like normal cigarettes, they come in a range of prices that depend on the manufacturer, brand value, style, and model. So, they are really not expensive. Besides, because they can be used for a really long time, there is no need for a user to keep purchasing it. A typical e-cigarette kit comes with a battery and few cartridges and the e-cigarette device. Customers can also load up the liquid in bulk and fill the cartridges by themselves later, so as to reduce the total cost incurred.

Electronic Cigarettes Should be Maintained for Durability

The battery of the e-cigarette must be charged regularly to avoid replacing it frequently, like it happens with any other electronic device. How long a device works highly depends on the manufacturer it was bought from. Purchases should be made after running a background check of the manufacturer.

Can be Smoked Anywhere

Unlike regular cigarettes that cannot be smoked in public, e-cigarettes do not run the risk of secondhand smoke and can, therefore, be smoked in public. There will be no need to step out of a restaurant just to smoke, or be embarrassingly told by someone to stop smoking in a no-smoke area. That will not be a concern when there is an e-cigarette in hand.

Healthier than Traditional Cigarettes

The negative impact of e-cigarettes on health has brought it a bad name. Countless studies have stood up to prove how bad traditional cigarettes are for not just the person smoking it, but also the one exposed to the smoke. Some of the popular health issues include heart attack, stroke, lung cancer, pneumonia, throat cancer, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and several others. E-cigarettes have not been reported to have caused threat to anybody’s life as yet. It has also been said that e-cigarettes work to help a person quit smoking. Moreover, in a study of 40 tobacco-dependent smokers, researchers claimed that smoking an e-cigarette alleviated the desire to smoke, thus, helping them to cut down on smoking.

E-Cigarettes Do Not Have A Strange Odour

Traditional cigarettes have been loathed by lots of non-smokers because of the distinctive odour that it produces. The smoke from e-cigarettes does not get into and cling onto the smoker, thus, preventing the prospective of friends and other known people flinching at close contact. This is because e-cigarettes do not burn tobacco and other chemicals.

Better than Professional Smoking Cessation Methods

There are a variety of ways in which smoking can be stopped, from professional ways to just changing behaviour. However, it has been found through a case study that e-cigarettes helped participants, who had documented a history of several failed attempts, stop smoking with the help of professional smoking cessation methods. The participants of the study were able to quit smoking and remain absolutely abstinent for at least the first six months.

Helps Fight Cravings

A lot of people who have quit smoking regular cigarettes to try the electric ones, in an attempt to stop smoking, have found themselves completely quitting smoking in a few weeks, with several others reporting that they had begun to smoke way less. One of the most common reasons cited for quitting or reducing smoking was that smoking the e-cigarette made them have fewer cravings, and even those were bearable. Withdrawal symptoms caused by a complete stop in consumption of tobacco were also said to be rare and easy to cope with.