The Benefits of Buying Cheap E-Cigarettes.

24032014-19Cheap e- cigarettes are now flooding the market. The benefit of these units over old style aids, in the fight to finally give up the habit; are becoming more recognised by non-smokers and smokers alike.

I’m sure, over the last few years, you’ve tried many times to give up the weed. Various patches, gum. Lozenges, even cold turkey, all to no avail. Slowly but surely, first the odd cigarette, then two or three; until, within a short space of time, your back on a pack or two a day. I know, been there, done that.

Now everyone uses e-cigarettes. The e or electronic cigarette, is a metal tube fitted with an integral heating element, rechargeable battery and a reservoir for a fluid containing nicotine, nicotine cartridges, or a fruit type flavour. The user draws on the cigarette, as one would a normal cigarette.

This draws the fluid into the heater, converting it to a nicotine vapour sucked up by the user. When exhaled a smoke (vapour) is released giving the impression of cigarette usage. The beauty of this aid is while the user still gets the craved-for nicotine hit, the vapour is totally harmless; unlike cigarette smoke which contains all the carcinogenic and tar that damages the body’s organs.

With the explosion of smokers worldwide using e-cigarettes as an aid to kicking the habit, they have become a big money spinner for the many large companies involved in the production and sale of these items. The large tobacco producers themselves have seen the income potential of these vapour cigarettes and are actively buying companies producing the cheap e-cigarette alternative to real tobacco.

The standard and quality of production of these electronic units is assumed by both consumers and producers alike to be extremely high. As a self regulatory body standards have to be maintained. Many governing bodies and governments are now looking into the possibilities of regulating the sale and use of these units.

To allow overall quality to drop at this stage of the game would be counter-productive to the manufacturers and distributors of these cheap alternatives to tobacco smoking. Many high quality reviews and blogs have also been instrumental in helping smokers and non-smokers alike to find information on the quality and effectiveness of the various e-cigarette brands.

Since the very first unit was used in public there have been no reported deaths attributed to cheap e-cigarettes, while thousands continue to die annually due to the damage caused by regular tobacco smoking. This fact alone will see a continuing growth in the changeover from tobacco to vapour smoking.

So, what to look for? Firstly all e-cigarettes are not the same. This needs to be taken into account before buying. Your daily cigarette consumption will have a big bearing on the type of e-cigarette you need to buy. Some cheaper versions are smaller, many looking remarkably cigarette-like.

This type; although still supplied with rechargeable battery use nicotine or flavoured cartridges. A new cartridge fitted when the old one is empty. This type of e-cigarette is designed for those consumers with social or low cigarette consumption. Each cartridge equates to smoking 10 to 15 cigarettes before it requires changing. If you are a heavy smoker using one of these, you may well find the refills cost you substantially more than your normal cigarettes, an exercise we are also trying to avoid.

Suppliers are considering single use, throw away e-cigarettes, mainly as a “try-before-you-buy” aid and these should be discounted as an option, unless on a free trial basis.

The most popular e-cigarettes are those refilled from a separate bottle of fluid. The life per battery recharge of this type is also considerably longer, and ideally suited to the moderate to heavy smoker. The refill bottles, sold separately, contain a set amount of nicotine content to suit the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

Starting off with the nicotine required for your personal consumption, it can be reduced using different strength bottles until that big day comes when you are successfully coping without any nicotine entering the body and your e-cigarette becomes just a social tool.

So there you have it, e-cigarettes are here to stay. Surf the internet to compare prices. The competition is high; Dansmoke is a major player in the distribution of quality cheap e-cigarettes and worth considering. With the low cost of buying and using e-cigarettes in comparison to the ever escalating price of tobacco products, plus the well documented improvements to health by moving from tobacco smoking to “vaping” the market for cheap e-cigarettes will continue to expand at an ever increasing pace.