An Electronic Cigarette Shop May Open In Your Area – Let the Vaping Begin.

24032014-12Across the country in the US, Britain and Europe a new electronic cigarette shop seems to be bobbing up on every corner. These small retailers are catering to a rapidly growing market for e cigarettes and are usually known a “vape shops”.
There are predictions that the e cigarette market will overtake the sales of regular cigarettes within a few years and currently the US market alone is worth 1 billion. These estimates do not take into account the uncertainty about the effects of potential government regulation of the industry.

So, what are the reasons for the growth of this new industry and why are e-cigarettes so popular?

What is an Electronic Cigarette?
It is a rather clever alternative to the traditional cigarette and sometimes referred to as a personal vaporizer. They come in a variety of designs; to be found in any electronic cigarette shop, some appearing very like a traditional cigarette and others are more exotic looking cigar-like models. They operate by converting flavored liquids into water vapor and when a smoker inhales it imitates the experience of smoking a cigarette. Continue reading “An Electronic Cigarette Shop May Open In Your Area – Let the Vaping Begin.”

Steam Cigarettes: Their Safety and Important Benefits

24032014-11Steam cigarettes are proving themselves to be quite popular in the 21st century. These catchy, streamlined and highly advanced devices are serving to define a market that may represent the next generation in smoking. They are known by many other names besides steam cigarettes; some of the most common including electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes or even the shortened “e-cig”. Still, their purpose is clear. These alternatives are excellent ways to help a smoker avoid the dangerous chemicals that are present in traditional cigars and cigarettes while doing so in a stylish and eye-catching manner. However, there has been a great deal of speculation in regards to the safety of these devices are well as the benefits that one can expect to enjoy. So, let us examine these two important topics in a bit more detail to appreciate just how revolutionary these steam cigarettes truly are.


It is first important to realise just what it is that represents the majority of health concerns in reference to traditional cigarettes. One of the major factors that allow them to represent a danger is the fact that they contain numerous fillers, chemicals and other synthetic additives. In truth, there is a veritable “alphabet soup” of such substances and science now appreciates the fact that they can do irreparable harm to one’s body. In fact, some of the illnesses that they can cause are included, but not limited to: Continue reading “Steam Cigarettes: Their Safety and Important Benefits”

Buy electronic cigarette products or buy regular tobacco products?

24032014-10The dangers of smoking tobacco are indisputable. The number of people who don’t know that smoking tobacco products is harmful to your health, harmful to your childrens’ health, and even bad for the dog is equal to the number of people who don’t know that water is wet. Just to be clear, here are just some of the problems with regular smokes:

  • They cost money – rather a lot of it, if you’re a heavy smoker
  • They stink. Badly. You really do walk around smelling like an ashtray. Even your dog will reek of tobacco smoke.
  • They turn your teeth black, your moustache or top lip yellow, and your smoking fingers yellowy-brown
  • They leave a nasty, toxic residue everywhere and the clouds of smoke really irritate the eyes
  • They cause fires that kill entire families
  • They damage your lungs, your heart, and your brain.
  • They give your kids asthma – have you ever had to see a tiny child gasping for air through a respirator mask? Did you know that some children need to carry machinery around with them because if they get a bad asthma attack, they will suffocate to death?
  • The amount of nicotine left in a discarded cigarette butt will kill a toddler. Continue reading “Buy electronic cigarette products or buy regular tobacco products?”

Electronic cigarettes are here to help you in more ways than you can imagine!

24032014-09Why do I want one?
Public use
There’s many reasons as to why somebody would want to get an electronic cigarette. First and foremost, it’s a replacement to the traditional cigarette. In most countries, smoking a cigarette in public is now illegal due to the harmful smoke they release. By smoking an electronic cigarette instead, you’ll be able to smoke anywhere and at any time with no issues at all. This means that instead of being kicked out of a restaurant or pub, you’ll be able to address your craving without any problems. Second hand smoke from other smokers is almost as bad as smoking yourself. So with an electronic cigarette, not only are you refraining from hurting yourself, but others too!

Health reasons
It’s been stated that although electronic cigarettes are a method of getting nicotine into the blood stream, it avoids many of the more harmful substances such as tar.
People worry that if they stop smoking, they’ll start to gain weight. This is generally because they replace holding a cigarette with eating. Nicotine patches will remove the cravings for nicotine but do nothing else. Continue reading “Electronic cigarettes are here to help you in more ways than you can imagine!”

Everything You Need To Know About Electronic Cigarette Starter Kits

24032014-08If you are new to electronic cigarettes then you might be asking yourself, what is a starter kit? Even if you are a more experienced electronic cigarette user you might still have questions about which starter kit would best suit your needs. In this guide you can find everything you need to know about electronic cigarette starter kits so you can ensure you buy the right one.

What Is A Starter Kit?

Starter kits are, as the name suggests, a kit which helps you to get started with electronic cigarettes. Contained within the kit will be everything that you need to begin using electronic cigarettes. With a very basic starter kit that might include one or more batteries, several liquid nicotine cartridges and a recharger. However, some starter kits will be contain much more than these items. Continue reading “Everything You Need To Know About Electronic Cigarette Starter Kits”

Heap Electronic Cigarettes are Available!

24032014-07Want to quit smoking? If you want to quit smoking and are looking for ways to do that, then invest in cheap electronic cigarettes. Quite a few people are of the school of thought that electronic cigarettes are very expensive, and that an individual needs to invest quite a lot of money to buy one. However, the market for electronic cigarettes is expanding and many manufacturers are now offering cheap electronic cigarettes. They are easily available on the Internet and some even offer free shipping. One good example is Dansmoke that offers a variety of flavours, and also free shipping.

Cheap Electronic Cigarette – A Brief Introduction

Electronic cigarettes have been around for more than eight years now. Slowly, these are gaining popularity as they prove to be the best alternatives for smoking. No cigarette manufacturer will guarantee on an e-cigarette’s ability to quit smoking, but would definitely vouch for its healthier traits. As time passed, these cigarettes have now become a popular choice, thanks to public awareness. Continue reading “Heap Electronic Cigarettes are Available!”

Why Should You Opt for Electronic Cigarette without Nicotine

24032014-06Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. This is something everyone knows, and that is why habitual smokers are recently getting attracted to electronic cigaret without nicotine. The harmful side effects of smoking have become widespread knowledge. There are several products that are available to aid in the quitting process. However, not all are effective, and some fail to give you lasting effects. Electronic cigaret without nicotine has been giving sustained results, helping hundreds of smokers relieve their habit.

Why you should quit smoking?

Cigarettes have several chemicals that are devastating to your lungs; substances like tar and carbon monoxide are almost synonymous with these tobacco products. This is the main cause of several forms of cancer, including lung cancer. Government of various countries are trying to cut down smoking by reducing the supply and increasing the prices. Smoking is an individual choice and there is nothing much one can do about it. However, the good news is that products like Dansmoke electronic cigarette without nicotine give people the same pleasure that they get out of smoking, and which are harmless to the health, too. A single electronic cigarette lasts a long time and all you need to do is refill. They are widely available, and you will never have a problem finding a replacement. Continue reading “Why Should You Opt for Electronic Cigarette without Nicotine”

How To Give Up Smoking Using An Electronic Cigaret With Nicotine

24032014-05New Years Eve is a great time to decide to give up cigarettes for good. However, keeping to that resolution can be much more challenging. In order to stick to your commitment it is a good idea to get support. An increasing number of people are finding that support using an Electronic cigaret with nicotine. Below you can find out some of the advantage of using electronic cigarettes as a substitute for traditional tobacco cigarettes. You will discover why they can replace the sensation and physical cravings produced by traditional cigarettes.

Why People Struggle To Give Up Smoking

According to the American Cancer Association only between 4 – 7% of people are able to give up smoking without any form of help. The fact is that if you simply try to give up “cold turkey” you have more than a 90% chance of failing. However, that doesn’t mean there is no hope for smokers who are trying to give up traditional tobacco cigarettes this New Years Eve. Continue reading “How To Give Up Smoking Using An Electronic Cigaret With Nicotine”

Electronic Cigarette Review: Vaping, Disposable and Regular Styles, E-cig Storage

24032014-04E-cigarettes have become more available in stores and online and there is a great variety from which to choose. In any electronic cigarette review, comparisons are essential but first; let’s get to know an electronic cigarette a bit better. As these types of cigarettes produce vapour rather than smoke, people refer to the action as vaping rather than smoking.

Electronic Cigarette Review: The Vaping Experience With an Electronic Cigarette

People who used to smoke traditional cigarettes may think that electronic cigarettes feel a bit more bulky and solid than a tobacco-filled one. The filter also seems unusual at first because of its slightly larger dimensions. However, these observations are soon overlooked once you get used to the electronic cigarette experience and the benefits they provide. Some people still retain their habit of flicking the ash from the end of the cigarette until they remember they are not burning anything at all. The end of the cigarette might glow in orange, green or blue, but it presents no fire-hazard and is safe to set down anywhere without fear of singeing or burning anything. Continue reading “Electronic Cigarette Review: Vaping, Disposable and Regular Styles, E-cig Storage”

Electronic Cigarette Review – Why So Many People Are Making The Switch To Electronic Cigarettes

24032014-03Electronic cigarettes are becoming an increasingly common sight on city streets across Europe. In the UK it is estimated that there are more than one million users of electronic cigarettes. Bloomberg estimates that by 2047 there will be more electronic cigarette users than traditional cigarette users in Europe.

While many people have already made the switch to electronic cigarettes, there are still many more smokers who are yet to try these new devices. In this electronic cigarette review we will look at electronic cigarettes in detail so that you can decide if they are the right choice for you. Below you will find out exactly how electronic cigarettes work and what some of the major benefits of them are. Finally at the end of this electronic cigarette review you can find our overall recommendation. Continue reading “Electronic Cigarette Review – Why So Many People Are Making The Switch To Electronic Cigarettes”