Why Should You Opt for Electronic Cigarette without Nicotine

24032014-06Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. This is something everyone knows, and that is why habitual smokers are recently getting attracted to electronic cigaret without nicotine. The harmful side effects of smoking have become widespread knowledge. There are several products that are available to aid in the quitting process. However, not all are effective, and some fail to give you lasting effects. Electronic cigaret without nicotine has been giving sustained results, helping hundreds of smokers relieve their habit.

Why you should quit smoking?

Cigarettes have several chemicals that are devastating to your lungs; substances like tar and carbon monoxide are almost synonymous with these tobacco products. This is the main cause of several forms of cancer, including lung cancer. Government of various countries are trying to cut down smoking by reducing the supply and increasing the prices. Smoking is an individual choice and there is nothing much one can do about it. However, the good news is that products like Dansmoke electronic cigarette without nicotine give people the same pleasure that they get out of smoking, and which are harmless to the health, too. A single electronic cigarette lasts a long time and all you need to do is refill. They are widely available, and you will never have a problem finding a replacement.


Electronic cigarette without nicotine is not that expensive, compared to the costs that are involved in buying cigarettes. This kind of cigarette comes in many flavours and the ones that you’re used to. Smoking is more of an addiction and has got nothing to do with the cigarette itself. Several doctors say that the craving for smoking is in the mind. Electronic cigarette without nicotine on the contrary has no harmful chemicals. This is one product that has been made for your well-being. It is an amazing substitute for tobacco, and very soon you will forget that you ever smoked tobacco.

Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarette without nicotine frees you from several elements like nicotine, carbon monoxide and instead, gives you flavour through water vapour. Another added benefit is that this “cigarette” is environment-friendly. There are no dangers of passive smoking, or any fear that your family may ingest the smoke and be exposed to the same dangers that you are. If you are a frequent smoker, then you can easily cut down by substituting this electronic cigarette in between.

Why switch to Electronic Cigarettes?

Smoking is not only hazardous to you, but also to the people living around you. It is also an embarrassing habit to have. The bad effects of smoking can affect your everyday lifestyle, resulting in stained teeth and bad breath. Your clothes will smell of cigarette smoke that most people detest. Moreover, people are vary about inhaling the smoke of the cigarettes you smoke. It can also alienate friends and family who do not smoke. Electronic cigarettes can show you how to lead a healthy lifestyle and moreover, not to befriend the people you love. First of all, electronic cigarette without nicotine does not emit any odour; it will not stain your teeth, nor does it leave you with bad breath. Yet, it provides you with the same satisfaction that an ordinary cigarette would probably offer.

Things You Don’t Know About An Electronic Cigarette

Many people are apprehensive about trying an electronic cigarette and they consider it is a waste of time and money. Smoking real cigarettes has its own side effects when trying to quit. They produce various withdrawal symptoms like sleeplessness, lack of appetite, shivering, and much more. Quitting traditional cigarettes is not easy, especially when there is no substitute to resort to. Waking up one day and quitting the tobacco stick is no joke; it needs to be weaned out of the system. Electronic cigarette is an excellent weaner and, in fact, is one of the best sold products for quitters in Europe. Tobacco quitters are not given a lot of respect, but quitting smoking is nothing less than heroism. You’re not only doing well for yourself, but also the people living around you. There are no or minimal side effects of e-cigarettes. If at all you show any symptoms of withdrawal, you can always call on their customer support services.

Personal Effects

These days, everyone is mindful about their habits, mainly because of the widespread knowledge of smoking and its ill-effects. Almost 58 per cent of the cancers that are being diagnosed today are lung cancers, and these cases are a direct result of smoking. Smoking also causes breast cancer in women. For people who have already been diagnosed with cancer, doctors often suggest abandoning the smoking habit. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done! Temptation is a big thing, even if health risks stare at your face. Several people do not quit smoking even after being diagnosed with life-threatening situations. People need an anchor to let go of their previous habits. It may get time getting used to, but it is worth a try.

Artificial Smoking

Smoking electronic cigarettes is often considered as artificial smoking. However, as long as you are not smoking the real thing, this can prove to be really beneficial from a health perspective. People may not appreciate your alternative smoking, but they will definitely realise your efforts when you are smoking an electronic cigarette. The effects of smoking last a lifetime in men and women. Even after quitting smoking for several years, the after-effects remain. The tissues in the lungs are damaged and are blackened with the tar of smoke. There is no way to reverse these effects, but further damage can be controlled.


Many people start smoking due to peer pressure, or due to their friends’ influence. Least do they know that they are on the road to addiction. Before they even realise it, the smoking pattern becomes a habit. Years go by before they’re able to get rid of this habit. While most people get into the habit, they do not know how to get out of it. Products like Dansmoke help such people to effectively get out of this habit. There are no negatives of using electronic cigaret without nicotine. It gives you the same pleasure and keeps your temptations away. Over days of usage, you will actually forget the real passion for smoking.