Heap Electronic Cigarettes are Available!

24032014-07Want to quit smoking? If you want to quit smoking and are looking for ways to do that, then invest in cheap electronic cigarettes. Quite a few people are of the school of thought that electronic cigarettes are very expensive, and that an individual needs to invest quite a lot of money to buy one. However, the market for electronic cigarettes is expanding and many manufacturers are now offering cheap electronic cigarettes. They are easily available on the Internet and some even offer free shipping. One good example is Dansmoke that offers a variety of flavours, and also free shipping.

Cheap Electronic Cigarette – A Brief Introduction

Electronic cigarettes have been around for more than eight years now. Slowly, these are gaining popularity as they prove to be the best alternatives for smoking. No cigarette manufacturer will guarantee on an e-cigarette’s ability to quit smoking, but would definitely vouch for its healthier traits. As time passed, these cigarettes have now become a popular choice, thanks to public awareness. People do realise the harmful effects of smoking and are desperately looking for alternatives to get rid of the habit. There are several products available in the market that claim to aid people in quitting smoking; some are only effective in the short term. Quitting a habit is dependent more on the person than the product itself. E-cigarettes do give you a mental satisfaction of smoking, the same way a normal cigarette would do. If you have an alternative to smoking, then this is the best form.

What is the difference?

People who want to quit smoking should first understand that tobacco and nicotine are not the same. Nicotine is also found in several other products like tea, for example. So far, nobody has ever claimed that drinking tea is harmful. However, it is a widespread fact that smoking a cigarette is extremely harmful to health. The reason is that tobacco contains several other harmful chemicals. Nicotine content does not harm you, but the other chemicals in a cigarette do. Fortunately, a cheap electronic cigarette does not have anything else than nicotine. That is why it has been widely recommended for prospective quitters.

How is it available?

The variety of cheap e-cigarettes is increasing by the day; they are available worldwide and for sale directly. You do not need to spend a fortune for these cigarettes. Also, because they are cheap, it does not mean they’re low on quality. At the same time, a cheap electronic cigarette comes with the same kind of kit that any seller would likely offer. It has an electronic cigarette, a battery for the cigarette, and about 10 cartridges containing liquid nicotine. Also, liquid nicotine is a diluted form of nicotine. They come in varying densities of nicotine like 18 mg, 12 mg, and 6 mg. You also get cartridges that have no nicotine at all. The 0 mg cartridges usually dispense a smoke that has no nicotine in it and just includes some vapour.

For people who smoke cigars, electronic cigars are also available. As mentioned earlier, the range for cheap e-cigarettes is growing very fast. When you invest in an e-cigarette, the device lasts for more than a year. You will need to invest in cartridges frequently, or as per your usage. However, the battery and device do last for a long time. Once the device is used extensively, you can invest in another cheap e-cigarette. However, research shows that many people wean their habit of smoking with the help of these e-cigarettes.

As a matter of fact, the long-term effect of smoking e-cigarettes is unknown, as they are fairly new in the market. On the other side of the coin, the long-term effects of smoking traditional cigarettes are well-known to everyone. Even after having quit smoking for several years together, people can still be prone to its ill-effects, which could even be cancer. This is perhaps the reason why thousands of people have given up regular cigarettes and switched to e-cigarettes. In the long term, one saves money and more importantly, safeguards health.

Why only electronic cigarettes?

Cheap e-cigarettes come in a wide variety, and the range is huge. And especially, manufacturers like Dansmoke are very competitive in this market. They offer different varieties of cigarettes in varying prices. The price range may differ, but there is no compromise on quality. Also, e-cigarettes come in different models, thereby the difference in pricing. The price structure too depends on the amount of nicotine. Most of the e-cigarettes come with varying codes to identify the level of nicotine being used. The cartridge varies in sizes as per the type of electronic cigarette that is chosen.

One of the main reasons why people invest in a cheap e-cigarette is to save money. Governments worldwide have increased the price on tobacco to cut down the usage. It won’t be long before they completely ban cigarettes. For many addicted smokers, cheap e-cigarettes prove to be much more cost-effective than the actual cigarettes. They make a one-time investment in an electronic cigarette and spend less than 25 per cent on the refill cartridges, than they used to on regular cigarettes. It is also an investment in their health.

Benefits of E-Cigarettes

Once you quit smoking, it takes seven days for the after-effects of the inhaled smoke to leave your blood. People who switched to cheap e-cigarettes observe that they enjoy a better health in terms of increased appetite, and also a better lifestyle. There is a drastic improvement in their overall oral health, too. Smoking nicotine from an e-cigarette does not stain your teeth, nor does it cause bleeding gums. Once a person actually quits smoking, he/she immediately observes improvement in his/her sense of smell and taste. After two weeks of quitting smoking, there is also an improvement in the energy levels. In a month’s time, they will be able to breathe normally and live life as any normal person. The lungs also recoup by ejecting the harmful chemicals the regular cigarette has deposited.

For an addicted smoker, the craving to smoke is always present; they are tempted to smoke even in public places. Electronic cigarettes are allowed in public places where regular cigarettes are not allowed. E-cigarettes do not have any odour, thereby not creating a stench in your car, on your clothes, or your mouth. If you smoke indoors, even the carpets and drapes start to smell of tobacco, eventually. With e-cigarettes, much of these problems can be avoided.

Types of Cheap E-Cigarettes

There are several types of cheap e-cigarettes available; these are called vapourisers or vaps, e-cigs, e-smokes, e-juices, and so on. Regardless of the different names, the concept and the objective are the same. Ultimately, they are all aids that help you quit smoking. There may be minor differences, such as some products coming with batteries and others being accompanied by chargers. The market is really innovative in the segment of e-cigarettes.