Steam Cigarettes: Their Safety and Important Benefits

24032014-11Steam cigarettes are proving themselves to be quite popular in the 21st century. These catchy, streamlined and highly advanced devices are serving to define a market that may represent the next generation in smoking. They are known by many other names besides steam cigarettes; some of the most common including electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes or even the shortened “e-cig”. Still, their purpose is clear. These alternatives are excellent ways to help a smoker avoid the dangerous chemicals that are present in traditional cigars and cigarettes while doing so in a stylish and eye-catching manner. However, there has been a great deal of speculation in regards to the safety of these devices are well as the benefits that one can expect to enjoy. So, let us examine these two important topics in a bit more detail to appreciate just how revolutionary these steam cigarettes truly are.


It is first important to realise just what it is that represents the majority of health concerns in reference to traditional cigarettes. One of the major factors that allow them to represent a danger is the fact that they contain numerous fillers, chemicals and other synthetic additives. In truth, there is a veritable “alphabet soup” of such substances and science now appreciates the fact that they can do irreparable harm to one’s body. In fact, some of the illnesses that they can cause are included, but not limited to:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Obesity
  • Birth defects
  • Lung cancer

Thankfully, steam cigarettes contain none of these chemicals and will therefore carry none of their associated risks. In fact, the only similarity between an electronic cigarette and the traditional cigarette is that they both contain levels of nicotine (although these levels of this substance can be controlled in e-cigarettes and many will actually offer a vapour completely free of all nicotine). Therefore, those who choose to switch to smoking an electronic cigarette can rest assured that they will not be exposed to any of the carcinogens that can cause the previously mentioned illnesses.

Numerous Choices

It should be recognised that steam cigarettes will offer a variety of liquids that can be turned into a vapour through heating. While those who have just ceased smoking may choose to enjoy an electronic cigarette that contains a small amount of nicotine, there are indeed quite a few other options. One of the most common alternatives is to opt for a flavoured steam.

In this sense, the liquid that is contained within the cigarette has a natural additive that will give off a subtle flavour when it is vapourised by the heating element contained within the device. As technology has steadily increased, so has the amount of potential flavours which can be inhaled. This amenity adds an extra sense of enjoyment to this innovative alternative.

Also, larger European manufacturers such as Dansmoke have begun to offer their customers a wide variety of choices with the e-cigarettes themselves. While normal steam cigarettes still prove themselves to be quite popular, “on the go” models are ideal for those who enjoy the most active lifestyles. Accessories such as slim batteries that will allow hours of use and portable, plug-in chargers are but a few of the numerous additions that one can expect to enjoy. The bottom line is actually quite simple: electronic cigarettes will cater to the discrete needs of nearly any smoker.

Quitting With Ease

It has been known for decades that smoking regular cigarettes can be a notoriously bad habit to break. Even for those that do quit “cold turkey”, the chances are quite high that they will sooner or later begin smoking again. There are two primary reasons why this is the case. First and foremost, the chemicals within cigarettes are quite addictive. Secondly, there is a very real psychological component that revolves around the physical habit of lighting a cigarette with a glass of wine or after a particularly good meal. Thankfully, steam cigarettes address both of these obstacles with an effectiveness that could only have been dreamed of a few short years ago.

The option for a user to choose an e-cigarette with nicotine is a powerful advantage. The nicotine contained within the vapour will satisfy cravings much more effectively that that of a traditional cigarette. This will allow the transition to steam cigarettes to be be smooth and without the added anxiety and mood swings that completely eliminating nicotine will often be associated with. Secondly, the levels of nicotine can be controlled with accuracy. This will enable the user to gradually reduce his or her reliance upon this substance. In fact, many users will simply give up nicotine altogether over time.

The second main benefit that is associated with these innovative alternatives is the fact that they physical act of inhaling the vapour will satisfy the psychological urge to smoke during certain situations. What is perhaps of even a greater advantage is that these electronic devices can be enjoyed in locations where traditional cigarettes are banned. A handful of these areas will include:

  • Restaurants
  • Billiard halls
  • Movie theatres
  • Public parks (in some regions)
  • In the residence of a non-smoker

So, it is clear to see that this flexibility alone will certainly have an impact on the functionality of these devices and therefore, their universal enjoyment.

The Future of Smoking?

It has long been thought that the day may eventually come when the bulk of smokers will opt for these healthy and safe alternatives. While we may still be far off from this becoming a reality, the recent interest in steam cigarettes may indeed signal that such a trend has already begun.

Advancements in technology allow these devices to be offered in a variety of shapes, styles and materials. As mentioned earlier, the variety of flavours now caters to the unique tastes of the individual. The fact that they can be used in a multitude of different social situations all but eliminates the social stigma that has been attached to traditional cigarettes.

These are some of the reasons why corporations such as Dansmoke now enjoy a customer base that is growing seemingly by the day. However, this appears to be but the beginning of a growing trend. As the younger generation now appreciates the need for a healthier alternative to smoking and begins to embrace this cutting-edge technology, it can only be expected that the popularity of these unique gadgets will grow into the future.