Buy electronic cigarette products or buy regular tobacco products?

24032014-10The dangers of smoking tobacco are indisputable. The number of people who don’t know that smoking tobacco products is harmful to your health, harmful to your childrens’ health, and even bad for the dog is equal to the number of people who don’t know that water is wet. Just to be clear, here are just some of the problems with regular smokes:

  • They cost money – rather a lot of it, if you’re a heavy smoker
  • They stink. Badly. You really do walk around smelling like an ashtray. Even your dog will reek of tobacco smoke.
  • They turn your teeth black, your moustache or top lip yellow, and your smoking fingers yellowy-brown
  • They leave a nasty, toxic residue everywhere and the clouds of smoke really irritate the eyes
  • They cause fires that kill entire families
  • They damage your lungs, your heart, and your brain.
  • They give your kids asthma – have you ever had to see a tiny child gasping for air through a respirator mask? Did you know that some children need to carry machinery around with them because if they get a bad asthma attack, they will suffocate to death?
  • The amount of nicotine left in a discarded cigarette butt will kill a toddler.

To recap: tobacco is bad.

But you need to smoke. It calms you down, it soothes you, it gets you up and out of the house on days you just want to pull the covers over your head and call in sick. I get that – I really do! – and it’s just lucky for you that I have the answer:

buy electronic cigarette products, not tobacco!

First off, when you buy electronic cigarette, you’re going to spend nowhere near as much as you do on regular smokes. E-smokes cost roughly half of what tobacco does.

They don’t stink. On the contrary, I’d buy electronic cigarette just to have someone sit in my house and use it! People who use e-cigarettes are like walking room fresheners and it helps that there’s a huge choice of flavours. Take Dansmoke, for example, one of Europe’s leading brands. Sure, you could choose from one of the tobacco flavours but why, when you can have Double Apple, Caramella, or Pina Colada? Wouldn’t your non-smoking friends appreciate you smelling up the club with Peach Party or Vanilla Ice instead of filling it with clouds of smoke and the smell of burning plant material and chemicals?

Try it: tell someone you’re a non-smoker. I’d bet the mortgage that their eyes flick quickly to your fingers – we non-smokers can’t help it, it’s a reflex. Imagine my surprise when I see the fingers on both hands are pristine and clean! Now I’m prepared to be impressed with your sparkling white smile, your well-groomed facial hair, and your nice cologne. Even your dog won’t give the game away 😉

As anyone who keeps birds will tell you, the residue left behind by tobacco smoke building up on the walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, and even your dishes is deadly. But you could walk into a day care nursery and use an e-cigarette with perfect confidence that those pretty little pink baby lungs will remain pink, thanks to your e-cigarette putting out no more than a little bit of steam that dissipates within a metre from you.

Your e-smoke will likely look real, as the tip lights up and emits vapour trails that resemble smoke but smoke away in bed with perfect calm: if you fall asleep and drop it on your chest, it will just sit there. There is no combustion in an e-cigarette so you cannot set fire to your bed or your house.

What about your kids? Straight up: being a parent is brutal sometimes. We’ve all had days where we just want to crawl under the kitchen sink and pretend we ran away from the circus. Some people turn to drugs, some turn to drinking, some smoke cigarettes. With an e-cigarette, you don’t have to go out into the back yard to smoke – you can go right ahead and smoke in the house because your children are safe! Of course, you still don’t allow them to play with it or pretend to use it – that’s just irresponsible – but at least now you can have your smoke and still supervise the little urchins as they dismantle the stereo system.

And if your little toddler snatches it from your mouth? She’s not going to get burned and if she puts it in her mouth or touches the end with her little chubby fingers, she won’t be hurt either. She can’t even be poisoned: you can throw out all your ash trays!

There may come a day when you decide you’ve just had enough of nicotine. Maybe it’s doctor’s orders, who knows. With e-cigarettes, you don’t have to quit! You have the option to buy electronic cigarette varieties that have no nicotine in them! You still have your comforting rituals, you still keep your hands occupied, nothing changes. When we talk about “quitting smoking”, we usually don’t mean we actually want to physically quit smoking cigarettes – what we really mean is something closer to “I want to quit the parts that are bad for me but not the parts I really like, like looking cool”.

So relax! If you buy electronic cigarette with no nicotine in it, you change nothing at all about your lifestyle or your smoking, you just don’t get the stimulant punch to the heart. Once your system detoxes from the nicotine, you’re on Easy Street. Quitting the nicotine is not the hard part – it clears your system in about three days, anyway; it’s having to give up all the soothing, fiddly little rituals that calm you down or give you time to think up a good answer.

You don’t have to commit to a large expense right off the bat – you can buy electronic cigarette starter packs or just a single e-smoke. Try an e-smoke today and see if it isn’t going to change your life (I really think it will!).